Wednesday, August 25, 2021

President Gerald R. Ford Saved 130,000 South Vietnamese Lives in 1975

"If only young Senator Joe
Biden had paid attention"
The past two weeks in Afghanistan have been an unnecessary and unmitigated humanitarian and geopolitical disaster.

It didn’t have to be this way. President Biden and his national security team appeared to be totally flummoxed when they tried to explain how the withdrawal of troops, America citizens and Afghani sympathizers became so chaotic under their watch.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin somewhat unbelievably said American military forces did not have the capability to go outside of the Kabul airport to get all of the estimated 11,000 Americans safely out of Kabul. There was hardly any talk about how this administration and national security leaders were going to evacuate the estimated 250,000 Afghani U.S. sympathizers who were translators, spies, drivers, informants and subcontractors who are now in danger of being executed by the Taliban.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Gambling and Surrender in Washington, DC

"This is not Saigon, 1975!
This is not Tehran, 1979!
This is Kabul, 2021!"
-President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden rolled the dice on removing U.S. military support in Afghanistan. He could have reversed President Trump’s executive order to get troops out of Afghanistan until he was absolutely sure that the Afghan government and army was strong enough to protect the nation of 39 million people from certain Taliban thuggery, oppression, violence, rape and death.

He didn’t. He rolled snake eyes. He surrendered Afghanistan in such a chaotic manner that it will take its place beside President Jimmy Carter’s inept handling of the Tehran American Embassy hostage crisis in 1979 and the collapse of Saigon in 1975 under President Gerald Ford as one of the most humiliating failures in American military combat and foreign policy history.

86,000 Afghan translators, intelligence-gatherers and American sympathizers have been left behind by President Biden. They deserved U.S. protection for the service they gave our country.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"I freaking love living in America!"

"Lots of Rich Professional Athletes
Might Hate America...But I LOVE IT!"
Aren’t you more than a little sick and tired of hearing about how terrible America is from left-wingers?

After years of hearing liberal progressive politicians, athletes, movie stars and activists openly support the destruction of downtown after downtown in our major metropolitan cities and talk about how terrible the United States of America is, maybe 2021 is the year when the vast majority of American citizens start to rise up to say how great living in America really is instead of being intimidated into quiet passive submission.

American wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock provided one of the first wildly enthusiastic public expressions of love of country heard in a long while, after she won the gold medal in the 68-kilogram freestyle finals last week....

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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Waving the bloody shirt of voter suppression

The Height of Hypocrisy:
Democrats Decrying Voter Suppression
President Joe Biden is waving the bloody shirt about legislative attempts in Texas and Georgia to clean up the voting process by saying they represent “the worst challenge to our democracy since the Civil War”. 

“Waving the bloody shirt” was a tactic used by Radical Republicans in post-Civil War elections to arouse the passions of their followers by invoking the “blood” of the mostly Republican Northern veterans that was shed to free the slaves and keep the Union intact.  

Any Democrat in the South should be careful about waving such a bloody shirt, since the worst impediment to our democratic republic since the Civil War was Southern Democratic Party domination of politics for over a century after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox....

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